• Make your student a reminder bracelet when you really want them to remember something.

  • Use a straw dispenser for pencils.

  • Make a “No Name” board for homeless homework.

  • Use binder clips to separate flash cards.
  • Create daily work files at the beginning of the week with lesson plans, all the copies you need, and any supplemental material

  • Have a place to put missed work. Teach students to be responsible for finding missed lessons when they are absent or out of the classroom

Colours! Learn, play and sing

¡Diferentes recursos para practicar el vocabulario jugando y cantando!



Online games:

Listen and find the colour Pirate Waters Board Game

Classroom games:

Color Circles

CrayonA good activity for young kids. Get some pieces of paper and draw a large circle on each one (you an draw smaller circles inside.  Pin the circles on different walls in the classroom.  Model the activity: Say "Blue", take a blue crayon, walk over to one circle and color a small part of the circle.  Do this for each color you plan to teach.  Then, say a color ("Blue") to a S and s/he should pick up the blue crayon and go over to the circle you colored in blue.  Let him/her color it a little (or colour one of the small circles inside) and then call him/her back.  Continue with other Ss.

Color Game

MarchThis is a good one for teaching the names of colors to young children. Arrange various colors of construction paper in a circle. Play some music and have the children march around the circle. Stop the music and all the children must sit down next to a color. Pick a color randomly or throw a colour dice and say: "Who's beside the color (insert name of color)? Please stand up, if it's you." At that point, the child next to the color mentioned stands up.  

I Spy Color

I SpyInstead of using letters, the T says "I spy with my little eye something that is red".  Ss try to guess the object in the room (e.g. "a pencil").

Back to School Activities and Icebreakers!


An easy getting to know you activity for elementary students is the name game. This fun and simple game will help students (and you) learn each others’ names. Each student picks a word that starts with the same letter of their name and says that too. For example, in my case... "Nice Naty" haha!

Alphabetize Me

A fun way to get a rise out of your Students is to tell them they are having their first assignment within a few minutes of class starting. Their goal: Sort themselves in alphabetical order by their first name within four minutes. If you want to be really hard on them, have them use their last names only. After their initial shock, you will be surprised how quickly they will work together while getting to know one another.


This icebreaker activity is a great way for middle school children. Before class starts, create a bingo board for each student in class. On each square, write a brief description, such as “Has one sister and one brother,” or “Likes pizza.” Other ideas may be “Has lived in more than two houses,” “Can sing,” or “Lives close to school.” Challenge students to go around the room and get their classmates to sign off on one of the boxes, if they can. The goal is for each student to get bingo. 

"ALL ABOUT ME" Printable activities!

Reading Corner - Rincon de lectura

Les comparto unas imágenes con ideas para crear y organizar una biblioteca en el aula con materiales económicos y lograr un espacio de lectura para los chicos.

How to create a video with pictures!

¡Hola! Se acerca fin de año y en muchos colegios nos piden que realicemos muestras de los trabajos realizados durante el año. Una buena idea es realizar una pelicula, o presentacion con fotos y videos de las distintas actividades realizadas.
Yo generalmente utilizo el programa moviemaker, ya que es el que viene en la mayoria de las computdoras, pero este año utilice un programa online que me ofrecia mucha mas variedad. La pagina se llama KIZOA - -
A favor: ofrece peliculas automaticas muy buenas, es decir para los que no tiene mucha idea de como realizar videos, es muy sencilo!! Solo tienen que seleccionar las fotos, los videos y el tema que quiere que refleje la presentacion y el programa se encarga de todo!! Para los mas avanzados, esta la posibilidad de hacerlo todo uno, elegiendo las animaciones, trasciciones, efectos, etc.
En Contra: en la version gratuita se puede compartir el video en las redes, youtube, mail,pero no se puede descargar a la compu no a un cd. Si se puede si el video dura 2 minutos o menos...
Solución: hacer videos de 2 minutos, descargarlos y luego unirlos en movie maker o en cualquier programa de edicion de video.
¡Les comparto la presentacionque realice yo!

Muestra de fin de año 2015

TUTORIALES: kizoa - movie maker

Christmas Activities for the classroom!

Les comparto actividades navideñas para realizar en la clase de ingles. Wordsearch, crosswords, mazes and more!!

  • Colour by number. Para repasar los núneros y los colores en inglés. Hay de distintas dificultades, desde sencillas para los mas chiquitos hasta complejas para los mas grandes. ¡Listas para imprimir! 
  •  Wordsearch and Crosswords. Para aprender y practicar vocabulario relacionado con la navidad. 
  • Maze.Uno sencillo para los más chiquitos y otro dificil para los chicos más grandes. 


Les comparto estos sitios donde encontraran diferentes tipos de letras para banners. Se pueden imprimir, recortar y armar distintos carteles.

Más Letras

Aquí les comparto un solo molde para poder realizar todas las letras y numeros

Aquí encontrará letras de todo tipo, con flores, gorros, navideñas, etc!
Moldes de letras

Count on me! Song and Activities

Les comparto una actividad para trabajar con una cancion el tema de la amistad y el primer condicional.
Hope you like it!

                     Count on Me  by Bruno Mars

"Count on Me" is a song by American singer and songwriter Bruno Mars for his debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans  (2010). It was written by B. Mars and P. Lawrence. The song has been featured on commercials for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association in the United States. The song is part of the Songs for the Philippines album, which was compiled to help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan

Match the words to their meanings:
1.  Count on  (        )                 A.      change from a waking to a sleeping state
2.  Stuck  (        )                      B.      rely on; trust in
3.  Be supposed to   (        )       C.      discover
4.  Toss   (        )                      D.     move from side to side
5.  Fall asleep   (        )              E.      help somebody remember something
6.  Mean   (        )                     F.      unable to move; unable to get rid of something
7.  Remind   (        )                  G.      be important to somebody

8.  Find out   (        )                  H.      be believed or expected to be or to do

·  Do you have any friend you can count on?
·  Do you consider yourself as a good friend? Why?
·  Which qualities do you consider are the most important in good friends?
 Complete with your ideas:
1.         My friends will count on me if__________________________________________________
2.         If my best friend is stuck at home on the weekend, I___________________________________
3.         I think we will _______________________________________ if there’s a misunderstanding between us.
4.         If I toss and turn in bed, I______________________________________________________________
5.         I will fall asleep if I________________________________________________________________
6.         If  friendship means a lot  to me I _________________________________________________________
7.         I will remind you the importance of  friendship if you  __________________________________________
       8.           I will find out who my really friends are  if ________________________________________________________

Listen to the song. Fill in the blanks and complete the conditional sentences with one of the following phrases:

Every day I will remind you - I'll sing a song beside you - I'll sail the world to find you - I'll be the light to guide you - You'll always have my shoulder
Oh uh-huh
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can _______________  _______ me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can _________________  _______ you like four, three, two
And ______________ be there
Cause that's what friends are ____________________ to do
Oh yeah (ooh ooh ooh uh uh)  (ooh ooh ooh uh uh)   (yeah yeah)
If you're tossing and you're turning and you just can't fall asleep

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Oh. Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
_________ be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are _______________ to do
Oh yeah
(ooh ooh ooh uh uh)  (ooh ooh ooh uh uh) (yeah yeah)
5)__________________________________when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye
You know you can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I ______________ it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
Cause that's what ____________ are supposed to do
Oh yeah
(ooh ooh ooh uh uh) (ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
You can count on me cos' I can count on you

Link al video de la cancion: Bruno Mars - Count on Me