An easy getting to know you activity for elementary students is the name game. This fun and simple game will help students (and you) learn each others’ names. Each student picks a word that starts with the same letter of their name and says that too. For example, in my case... "Nice Naty" haha!Alphabetize Me
A fun way to get a rise out of your Students is to tell them they are having their first assignment within a few minutes of class starting. Their goal: Sort themselves in alphabetical order by their first name within four minutes. If you want to be really hard on them, have them use their last names only. After their initial shock, you will be surprised how quickly they will work together while getting to know one another.
This icebreaker activity is a great way for middle school children. Before class starts, create a bingo board for each student in class. On each square, write a brief description, such as “Has one sister and one brother,” or “Likes pizza.” Other ideas may be “Has lived in more than two houses,” “Can sing,” or “Lives close to school.” Challenge students to go around the room and get their classmates to sign off on one of the boxes, if they can. The goal is for each student to get bingo.